Our governing body is made up of four key groups:
- Parent governors are elected by the parents or appointed by the governing body to represent the interests of parents on the governing body.
- Teacher governors are elected by fellow teaching staff at the school.
- Staff governors are elected from and by the non-teaching staff employed to
work at the school. - Local authority governors are appointed by the local authority.
In addition to these, the headteacher is also a member of the governing body.
Governor roles and responsibilities
Our committee members have delegated responsibility to act on behalf of the governing body, except where the governing body, at a meeting, has agreed to delegate a specific function to that individual, group of governors or committee, or where regulations specify that a function is to be exercised in a particular way.
The governing body is expected to carry out its functions with the aim of taking a strategic role in the leadership of the school. A strategic role means the governing body decides what it wants the school to achieve and sets the strategic framework for getting there.
Such as:
- setting aims and objectives for the school
- adopting policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- reviewing progress towards achieving the aims and objectives
The school’s Improvement Plan (SIP) along with the governing body’s agreed policies, provide the strategic framework for the school. Governing bodies are expected to monitor progress and regularly review the strategic direction of the school in light of that progress.
The headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, and for advising on and implementing the governing body’s strategic framework.
Duties and powers
The governing body has a range of duties and powers in legislation, including the following:
- leading the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement and behaviour
- taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school
- managing the school's budget
- making sure that the curriculum for the school is balanced and that the Curriculum for Wales is taught in accordance with the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021
- providing parents with a report every year which includes information about
pupils’ progress and external examination results, where applicable - appointing the headteacher and deputy headteacher and other staff, and
regulating staff conduct and discipline - drawing up an action plan following an Estyn inspection, when required
The governing body shares responsibility with the headteacher and the local authority for making sure that the Curriculum for Wales and the appropriate assessment arrangements are carried out.
ALL complaints or questions regarding the school should be directed through the Clerk to the Governors, Mrs Lyn Cuffin :
Community Governors
Cllr Ann Kennedy - Chair
Ms Nia Jones - Vice Chair
Mrs Gillian Thompson
Dr Matthew Edwardson-Williams
Parent Governors
Ms Victoria Jewell
Ms Juliana Sims
Ms Elaine Williams
Mrs Laura James-Mowbray
Mr David Ramsome
Local Authority Governors
Mrs Andrea Hughes
Cllr Jeff Evans
Cllr Keith Roberts
Cllr Pip O’Neill
Support Staff Governors
Ms Bethan Eirian Ellsworth Griffith
Teacher Governors
Mr Steffan Taylor
Mrs Katie Medlin
Head Teacher
Mr Adam Williams
Mrs Lyn Cuffin
(Governors can be contacted via The Clerk)